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Basic sciences

Understanding how things work from the infinitely small to the infinitely large

Basic sciences

Understanding how things work from the infinitely small to the infinitely large

Advancing knowledge

Our researchers in biology, chemistry, geology, mathematics, and physics make discoveries that sometimes shake up the world of science and pave the way for new applications and technologies. In recent years, one of our teams in microbiology played a major role in identifying and describing the CRISPR-Cas9 molecular tool, a powerful genetic scalpel that is now used in all major genetic laboratories. A team from the Department of Chemistry has also taken an important step towards better understanding the mechanisms involved in surface chemistry.

Unités de recherche

Research centres, institutes, and groups

I enjoy being a researcher. I have a healthy obsession with science, a passion for the complexity of research, and above all, I appreciate the intellectual independence of academic research. I like having the freedom to choose the problems I work on.

Jean-Gabriel Young, PhD graduate in physics supervised by Louis J. Dubé and recipient of the James S. McDonnell Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship Award

Resources for researchers and student researchers

The Vice Dean of Research

The mission of the faculty’s Office of the Vice Dean of Research is to familiarize faculty members with research funding program requirements. Its research development advisors can assist researchers in preparing funding applications and drafting research contracts. They can also provide information and guidance on technology transfer opportunities.

Learn more about the Office of the Vice Dean of Research

Le Lab en ligne

The Faculty of Sciences and Engineering’s LAB en ligne is a virtual space that showcases and profiles the faculty’s research equipment and facilities. The service provides graduate students, faculty members, and industry professionals with access to state-of-the-art equipment at reasonable cost along with opportunities for collaboration.

Lab en ligne