Working on futuristic technologies that will soon become a reality is part of the everyday routine for many UL researchers in electrical, mechanical, computer, and software engineering. These inventors, who are working to create advanced mechanical hands, a smart system for identifying tree species, and technology to better illuminate 3D virtual objects, are helping transform our world in fields like health, rehabilitation, art, and industry and reshaping life in society.
Robotics and intelligent environments
Virtual reality and collaborative robots working for us
En route to human-machine collaboration
We are interested in capturing the geometry of objects. Our entire universe is three dimensional, but much of what we’re exposed to (print materials, photos, television) is two dimensional. So we are trying to recover that missing third dimension.
Denis Laurendeau, professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Meet our dynamic research team
Research units
Research centres, institutes, and groups
My project involves applying Québec expertise in artificial intelligence to computer vision to better understand images and their content. I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with major research laboratories in the United States. Graduate studies involve a unique combination of challenges that are highly motivating!
Yannick Hold-Geoffroy, PhD graduate in electrical engineering supervised by Professor Jean-François Lalonde
Graduate studies
Make the leap to graduate studies
Explore our programs of study based on your interests
Resources for researchers and student researchers
The Vice Dean of Research
The mission of the faculty’s Office of the Vice Dean of Research is to familiarize faculty members with research funding program requirements. Its research development advisors can assist researchers in preparing funding applications and drafting research contracts. They can also provide information and guidance on technology transfer opportunities.
Le Lab en ligne
The Faculty of Sciences and Engineering’s LAB en ligne is a virtual space that showcases and profiles the faculty’s research equipment and facilities. The service provides graduate students, faculty members, and industry professionals with access to state-of-the-art equipment at reasonable cost along with opportunities for collaboration.