Faculty members
Classes of research
Applied mathematics
- Mathematical modelling and simulation
- Mathematical optimization
- Numerical analysis
Civil engineering
- Building construction engineering
Electrical energy systems
- Power quality
Engineering design
- Other engineering and technologies, n.e.c.
Other industrial, systems and processes engineering
- Other industrial, systems and processes engineering
Other mechanical engineering
- Heat and mass transfer operations
Classes of research
Applied mathematics
- Mathematical modelling and simulation
Artificial intelligence (AI)
- Machine learning
Atmospheric sciences
- Atmospheric dynamics and thermodynamics
- Atmospheric measurement techniques
- Atmospheric radiation and radiative transfer
- Atmospheric sciences, n.e.c.
- Boundary layer meteorology
- Climate change impacts and adaptation
- Climate modelling
- Meteorology and weather
Civil engineering
- Hydraulic engineering
Cryosphere processes
- Physics of snow and ice
Environmental geoscience
- Environmental geoscience, n.e.c.
- Hydrology, n.e.c.
- Hydrometeorology
- Limnology
- Physical and catchment hydrology
- Soil hydrology
- Surface water hydrology
Classes of research
Applied mathematics
- Dynamical systems in applications
Manufacturing engineering
- Mechatronics (except automotive mechatronics)
Other mechanical engineering
- Dynamics, vibration and vibration control
- Fluid-structure interaction
- Numerical modelling and mechanical characterisation
- Solid mechanics
Classes of research
Applied mathematics
- Mathematical modelling and simulation
- Environment and natural resources economics
- Hydrology, n.e.c.
Natural environment sciences
- Natural resource management
Operational research
- Optimization under uncertainty (including stochastic and robust optimization)