Faculty members
Classes of research
Chemical engineering
- Carbon capture engineering
- Membrane and other separation technologies
Environmental engineering
- Waste management (including agricultural waste)
Materials engineering
- Methods of synthesis and growth of materials
- Nanomaterials
Resources engineering and extractive metallurgy
- Resources engineering and extractive metallurgy, n.e.c.
Classes of research
Chemical engineering
- Carbon capture engineering
- Catalytic process engineering
- Chemical engineering design
- Membrane and other separation technologies
- Reaction fundamentals and reactor design
Environmental engineering
- Waste management (including agricultural waste)
- Nanomaterials
Classes of research
Chemical engineering
- Carbon capture engineering
- Chemical engineering, n.e.c.
- Membrane and other separation technologies
Environmental engineering
- Wastewater treatment (including water treatment processes)
- Water quality engineering
- Environmental nanotechnology
Resources engineering and extractive metallurgy
- Hydrometallurgy
- Mineral processing and beneficiation
- Resources engineering and extractive metallurgy, n.e.c.
Classes of research
Dentistry and oral health
- Dental materials and equipment
Macromolecular and materials chemistry
- Characterization of materials
Materials engineering
- Functional materials in materials engineering sciences
- Materials engineering, n.e.c.
- Metals and alloy materials engineering
Medical and biomedical engineering
- Biomedical materials
- Nanomaterials
Classes of research
Civil engineering
- Building construction engineering
- Concrete, cementitious materials and other architectural and construction materials
- Infrastructure engineering
- Structural engineering
Materials engineering
- Composite and hybrid materials
- Relation micro-nanostructure and properties
- Nanotechnology, n.e.c.
Classes of research
Astronomical and space sciences
- Astronomical and space instrumentation (including atmospheric observation)
- Astronomical and space sciences, n.e.c.
- Mesospheric, ionospheric and magnetospheric physics
Atomic, molecular, and optical physics
- Classical and physical optics
- Quantum optics
Engineering design
- Engineering systems design
- Nanomaterials
- Nanophotonics