Search filters DepartmentsDepartment Chemical Engineering 1 Mechanical Engineering 2 FSG's poles of excellenceFSG's pole of excellence Materials science 3 Classes of researchClass of research Applied mathematics 3 Classical physics 3 Electrical energy systems 1 Medical and biomedical engineering 1 Other mechanical engineering 3 Fields of researchField of research Biomechanical engineering 1 Computational fluid mechanics 3 Fluidization and fluid mechanics 2 Fluid physics 3 Fluid-structure interaction 2 Renewable energy systems (except smart systems engineering) 1 Selected filtersSelected filter Class of research Classical physics Field of research Fluid physics
DepartmentsDepartment Chemical Engineering 1 Mechanical Engineering 2 FSG's poles of excellenceFSG's pole of excellence Materials science 3 Classes of researchClass of research Applied mathematics 3 Classical physics 3 Electrical energy systems 1 Medical and biomedical engineering 1 Other mechanical engineering 3 Fields of researchField of research Biomechanical engineering 1 Computational fluid mechanics 3 Fluidization and fluid mechanics 2 Fluid physics 3 Fluid-structure interaction 2 Renewable energy systems (except smart systems engineering) 1 Selected filtersSelected filter Class of research Classical physics Field of research Fluid physics
DepartmentsDepartment Chemical Engineering 1 Mechanical Engineering 2 FSG's poles of excellenceFSG's pole of excellence Materials science 3 Classes of researchClass of research Applied mathematics 3 Classical physics 3 Electrical energy systems 1 Medical and biomedical engineering 1 Other mechanical engineering 3 Fields of researchField of research Biomechanical engineering 1 Computational fluid mechanics 3 Fluidization and fluid mechanics 2 Fluid physics 3 Fluid-structure interaction 2 Renewable energy systems (except smart systems engineering) 1
Classes of researchClass of research Applied mathematics 3 Classical physics 3 Electrical energy systems 1 Medical and biomedical engineering 1 Other mechanical engineering 3
Applied mathematics 3 Classical physics 3 Electrical energy systems 1 Medical and biomedical engineering 1 Other mechanical engineering 3
Fields of researchField of research Biomechanical engineering 1 Computational fluid mechanics 3 Fluidization and fluid mechanics 2 Fluid physics 3 Fluid-structure interaction 2 Renewable energy systems (except smart systems engineering) 1
Biomechanical engineering 1 Computational fluid mechanics 3 Fluidization and fluid mechanics 2 Fluid physics 3 Fluid-structure interaction 2 Renewable energy systems (except smart systems engineering) 1
Department of Mechanical EngineeringGuy Dumas Classes of researchApplied mathematicsClick to open the tooltipApplied mathematicsComputational fluid mechanicsCloseClick to close the tooltipClassical physicsClick to open the tooltipClassical physicsFluid physicsCloseClick to close the tooltipElectrical energy systemsClick to open the tooltipElectrical energy systemsRenewable energy systems (except smart systems engineering)CloseClick to close the tooltipOther mechanical engineeringClick to open the tooltipOther mechanical engineeringFluid-structure interactionCloseClick to close the tooltip Department of Mechanical EngineeringYvan Maciel Classes of researchApplied mathematicsClick to open the tooltipApplied mathematicsComputational fluid mechanicsCloseClick to close the tooltipClassical physicsClick to open the tooltipClassical physicsFluid physicsCloseClick to close the tooltipMedical and biomedical engineeringClick to open the tooltipMedical and biomedical engineeringBiomechanical engineeringCloseClick to close the tooltipOther mechanical engineeringClick to open the tooltipOther mechanical engineeringFluidization and fluid mechanicsFluid-structure interactionCloseClick to close the tooltip Department of Chemical EngineeringSeyed Mohammad Taghavi Classes of researchApplied mathematicsClick to open the tooltipApplied mathematicsComputational fluid mechanicsCloseClick to close the tooltipClassical physicsClick to open the tooltipClassical physicsFluid physicsCloseClick to close the tooltipOther mechanical engineeringClick to open the tooltipOther mechanical engineeringFluidization and fluid mechanicsCloseClick to close the tooltip
Department of Mechanical EngineeringGuy Dumas Classes of researchApplied mathematicsClick to open the tooltipApplied mathematicsComputational fluid mechanicsCloseClick to close the tooltipClassical physicsClick to open the tooltipClassical physicsFluid physicsCloseClick to close the tooltipElectrical energy systemsClick to open the tooltipElectrical energy systemsRenewable energy systems (except smart systems engineering)CloseClick to close the tooltipOther mechanical engineeringClick to open the tooltipOther mechanical engineeringFluid-structure interactionCloseClick to close the tooltip
Department of Mechanical EngineeringYvan Maciel Classes of researchApplied mathematicsClick to open the tooltipApplied mathematicsComputational fluid mechanicsCloseClick to close the tooltipClassical physicsClick to open the tooltipClassical physicsFluid physicsCloseClick to close the tooltipMedical and biomedical engineeringClick to open the tooltipMedical and biomedical engineeringBiomechanical engineeringCloseClick to close the tooltipOther mechanical engineeringClick to open the tooltipOther mechanical engineeringFluidization and fluid mechanicsFluid-structure interactionCloseClick to close the tooltip
Department of Chemical EngineeringSeyed Mohammad Taghavi Classes of researchApplied mathematicsClick to open the tooltipApplied mathematicsComputational fluid mechanicsCloseClick to close the tooltipClassical physicsClick to open the tooltipClassical physicsFluid physicsCloseClick to close the tooltipOther mechanical engineeringClick to open the tooltipOther mechanical engineeringFluidization and fluid mechanicsCloseClick to close the tooltip